Sunday, December 2, 2007

Are You Ready To Retire In Pattaya?

Here are some factors that will "Pre-qualify" you and help you decide whether or not you are a retiree candidate for Pattaya Thailand

1. You have to be open to new adventurers; Pattaya is a fantastic beach for visitors. There will be many new things for your experience. It's a unique country in Southeast Asia, with its own culture quite difference from other countries in Asia.

2. You love to travel. There are countless things for you to see and do in Pattaya, Thailand.

3. You have to be able to adapt to a new lifestyle and be tolerant of others. Your life and the people around you will be very different from you as at your country.

4. You have to be enthusiastic about new things in a different culture. Thais people have their own way and their own culture. You will have to learn to adjust. Many foreigners are shocked when they discover that things are done in a certain way in Thailand. You have to be open-minded.

5. You should be able to make and enjoy with your new friends. This is important point for you. You will need new comrade so you won't feel bored.

6. You should have to learn the basics of the Thai language. Try to be fluent, or at least competent, in the types of phrases you'll need it in you new life.

7. You have to be healthy enough mentally and physically. Living in Pattaya is hard for foreigners at first. You will need to be strong in both body and mind to make the most of your time.

8. You have to accept your status of being a foreigner in Pattaya, Thailand. You won't be able to vote, and the Thais are not usually interested in listening to your point of view on the country's politics or economy.

9. You should appreciate a slower pace of life if you choose to retire in one of the smaller towns. Boredom is not something you often find in the Land of Smiles, but when you are away from the cities, you will find life moves more slowly. Make sure you are involved in enough leisure activities to avoid boredom.

10. You have to be optimistic minded. Foreigners who don't know Thailand may try to talk you out of moving there. Studying as much as possible before you go. Don't let negative opinion like prostitution, the insufferably hot weather, or dirt and disease turn you off. Pattaya is rich in beauty and culture and famous for its friendly people.

11. You will have to deal with a different type of bureaucracy. It takes longer to get simple things done in Thailand. You'll have to get used to its ways.

12. You must be financially stable without needing to work. If you want to work part-time in Pattaya, make sure you are up to date on the continually changing laws regarding work permits or business ownership, and have a good fall-back plan for your future life in Pattaya, Thailand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a website devoted to retiring in Thailand